Low Feed Cost, Higher Performance
In 2019, I took a hard look at the price and the problems with the Goldilocks diet we had been using and realized that we needed a change, a change in price, and a change from the straw. It was in this thought that I was given the answer: corn FODDer from the silage!
Dry Cows
The FODD ushers into the industry what dairyman have been looking for: inexpensive great quality feed. When you feed FODDer to your dry cows, their intakes will go up, their stomach passage becomes regular and they become more comfortable. Why? Because we are no longer forcing them to eat something they do not like! Cows despise straw. Sorting is reduced, they will eat faster, and they will eat more. This will make for an easy transition period setting the stage for better health and increased productivity when they hit the milk string.
Young Stock
FODDer is also a perfect fit as an ingredient in our young stock diets. The feed cost savings are enormous.
Lactating Cows
An added benefit to sorting corn silage is the opportunity to feed the fines to the lactating cows. This creates an opportunity to manage fiber levels in the diet allowing dairymen to feed more forage. The ration will contain less grain corn moving the sizing of the ration towards the middle screen.

TheFODD allows for better management of fiber, energy, and fiber digestability across all diets on the dairy.
The FODD system is a no-brainer. This technology will reshape how we feed dairy and beef animals. Early adopters will reap a sizable harvest. With this technology, you will want to feed more animals.
Hover and click over each of the images below to learn more about the implications of feeding using the FODD system, the what and why of using FODDer, and the what and why of using fines. Click and read!